The abnormally hot and dry Summer Vancouver has been experiencing so far, has left the gardens needing some serious TLC. After what seemed like only a few minutes following a good, deep watering I could see the veggies start to perk up again. The kids and I got straight to work by watering, weeding, and harvesting overgrown plants. Within a few hours we had cleared plots, applied organic fertilizer and planted our favourite veggies. At Thunderbird Elementary we planted brussel sprouts because the majority of kids had never tasted them before. 

Some dry and overgrown plots at Thunderbird Elementary
My team, helping water and weed at Thunderbird

Getting excited about baby carrots developing!
Planting brussel sprouts and pac choi 

Doing the 'finger test' to check if the soil was watered enough

Watering the sunflowers at General Brock Elementary 

A lemon cucumber developing at Brock school 

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