QE Elementary Orchard Garden
Queen Elizabeth Elementary School obtained funds to install an orchard garden in 2010. The project was a collaboration of staff, students, parents, PAC, VSB, SPEC, Evergreen Foundation and others. The garden would not have been created without the enthusiastic team of supporters, who volunteered hours of time gathering rocks and logs, digging, planting, mulching, pruning and watering the garden. Ongoing workparties will ensure the orchard garden is pruned, maintained, weeded, and watered throughout the school year, and during the summer months.
The garden has created a unique outdoor classroom, and groups are often found there doing art, practicing their plant idenfication skills, or just enjoying nature. It will be a legacy for future generations of QE students and the local community.
The garden has created a unique outdoor classroom, and groups are often found there doing art, practicing their plant idenfication skills, or just enjoying nature. It will be a legacy for future generations of QE students and the local community.